Hayling Island Beaches

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Seaside holiday

Feeling like you need a bit of a revival? With over three miles of pure coastline, turn to Hayling Island Beaches as the perfect solution to clear your mindset and have a little fun. 

After all, no matter how old or young, everyone needs relaxation now and again. 

Bask in the heat of the sun

Feel the rush of nostalgia overtake you as you remember visiting your favourite beach as a child.  

If you have any little ones of your own, it would be a fabulous idea to visit Hayling Island Beach to recreate those precious memories.  

The second you reach the sand: you can throw those shoes aside. Feel the microscopic pieces of fine sand between each toe as you sink in - instant relaxation. 

Enjoy the views

Cast your eyes upon the calm oasis right in front of you! The picturesque views of the open ocean look like they were pulled out of a blockbuster movie or a painting brought to life by the magnificent Claude Monet. 

With a shingle beach above the high tide mark and lengthy stretches of sand, the views on Hayling Seafront aren’t like any other.  

Cast your eyes upon the Solent, once originally a river valley. Along with the Solent, you’ll witness wide stretches of the Isle of Wight; scattered with yachts and ferries, cruising their way to the Continent. 

Hear the waves crash against the surface, as they rush up to land, and join the little ones, as you step into the bright white sea foam. You’ll be chatting with each other, waiting for the next wave to sweep you off your feet, leaving everyone in giggles. 

Visit again for an endless dose of family fun, in this haven of peace and tranquility.  

34 Beach Road,
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Paid Parking, Toilets, Cafe